Friday, September 11, 2009

090909~my bDaY XD

im here~hehe..sorry ya..i cnt on9 so no update frm me yday..
but nw im goin to write smtg for de day 220809 & 090909^^

hehe ^o^ dis year is vr meaningful for bufday is on friends celeb 4 m
e earlier..dey organised party 4 me without lettin me touch~de party was on 22-08-09 at ah kor's hs..hahax..1st time celebrate wid so many ppl o XD..i felt vr 幸福 cz got my best buddies helped me held de party~ =p
on tat day..wen i reached de hs i jus saw my 2 budd
ies only(xue n cat) n others frens..but de other 3 buddies(wen,hui,ching) were not ther..dey said dey din cm cuz ahbird made dem angry as she accidentally tel me tat dey held a party 4 me..i felt unhappy den..haiz..i sms hui to ask her..but wen i got her reply i was really tears drop at tat moment~
but sudd ther was a blackout.... den all of dem sang bday song together..n wen dey all wid 阿火‘s group cm in frm de back door wid a ca
ke..chengyee aka mousedeer took de cake to me~..omg~i cried out again..paiseh betul!!..hehe..i tot dey din cm rupa-rupanya dey wanna gav me a surprise~ XD so happy!!! serene oso got cm de party^^my buddies oso made a video to me as my present^^

Friendship Quotes

vr thankful to my buddies for makin de video to me..dey told me tat my mummy got share de buffet..tat moment my tears drop again~dis is de 1st time mummy done dis 4 me..MummY~i love U!!thankss~
220809 is de day tat vr meaningful to me..n im vr appreciate those moments on tat day!!..thanks to all my buddies & friends tat attended de party o.. =D

阿gan & 阿树~

frens forever^^






my bufday finally reach dy!!! mummy even more happy than me ar~haha..XD
in de mornin when in de friends dey sang bday song to me..hehe..开心!!durin de recess..after we coming back frm de toilet, buddies n feng ping dey all sang bday song to me again but dis tme wid a cake~haha..thx ya!^^de cake is really beautiful le..den i oso receive a big card tat made from 24pcs of small colour papers(wishes card) card is frm xue-er,ching-er,hui-er,cat-er,wen-er,feng ping,voon,hui chian.chin syi,xin ying,hui won,chengyee,ivan,ahgan,chinyet,v teck,阿火,阿树,阿木,hanwei,zhen yu,ahbird,derek,peigee...thankss..thankss!!!!!!i oso received a vr special present from present really vr beau..he is so 细心..handmade creative n i like it so much!!..bcuz of doin de present he 3days din study nei jiu...
at tt centre..chin yet gav me a i open it i tot is purse..but wen n hui said inside stil gt thing..i took it out n is a shocked abt it..sure vr expensive de ba~alamak...
but really happy wid my bday dis year XD i hav a great n nice day!!!thx alot buddies n friends!!

**im vr appreciate u all n those presents^^especially de video n song '我们之间' is vr suitable 4 us ya^^buddies forever! u all guys..although dis year sm of my buddies meishu,liling,chris,n peisee cnt celeb my bday together but i hope dey stay healthy always n happy go lucky~~~~~**

Friendship Quotes

from : chinmin^^


we belong together said...

chin min all ur photo veri nice.... good luck